Localities seek ways to revive tourism

(VOVWORLD) - Localities nationwide have worked out plans to recover and develop tourism focusing on domestic tourists and foreign travelers from countries where the pandemic is under control. Developing new tourist products, promoting local specialties, and offering incentives are among the measures being implemented.
Localities seek ways to revive tourism - ảnh 1(Photo:vnexpress)

The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism is working closely with localities to develop specific criteria in line with the government’s resolution on flexibly and safely adapting to and effectively controlling COVID-19. Each city and province has asked to promote their local specialties and develop closed package tours.

Ninh Binh province is promoting its tourism through digital platforms and livestreaming on social networks.

HCM City has launched a contest for tourism startups with the theme “Join the effort to revive tourism”.

Nguyen Thi Anh Hoa, Director of the municipal Department of Tourism, says, 'Contestants will receive consultancy, technical training, and resources in order to realize their projects which will then help the city’s tourism recover.'

In addition to domestic tourists, Quang Ninh province plans to receive foreign visitors who will land at Van Don International Airport on Tuesday.

Pham Ngoc Thuy, Director of the provincial Department of Tourism, says, 'Quang Ninh will organize closed tours for foreign tourists. They will visit and stay in designated places like the Tuan Chau tourist site, a boat on Ha Long Bay, or the Yen Tu relic site. These destinations will make visitors comfortable but will also be closed to prevent any possible infections.'

Since last month, Quang Nam province has received foreign tourists from the US, Canada, and South Korea.

