Momentum for Vietnam’s relations with Western Europe

(VOVworld)- Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on Thursday concluded his official visits to Belgium, the European Union, Italy and the UK. The results of the visits generate a dynamic momentum invigorating the relations between Vietnam and Western European countries. 

Momentum for Vietnam’s relations with Western Europe - ảnh 1
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong and Italian President Mario Monti

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s visits to Belgium, the European Union, Italy and the UK are of historic significance being that this is the first time a Vietnamese Party leader visited Western Europe. The visit aimed at promoting Vietnam’s comprehensive foreign policy on independence, self-reliance, peace, cooperation and development, multi-lateralization and diversification of Party and State’s relations. The visit also explicitly communicates Vietnam’s policy of developing its relations with EU countries and major European countries.

Hoang Binh Quan, Head of the Party’s Central Committee’s External Relations Commission says that Western European leaders warmly welcomed Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong showing their respect for Vietnam’s role and the Vietnamese Communist Party’s leadership and their hopes to boost comprehensive relations with Vietnam. The talks and meetings between Party leader Trong and leaders of Western European countries took place in an open, frank and practical atmosphere reflecting their sentiments and trust for Vietnam. Pragmatic discussions focused on strengthening the political relations, boosting the economic, trade, investment, education, and training cooperation and expanding relations in security and national defence. The visits created opportunities for European partners to understand Vietnam thus fostering their support for the country’s development. During the visit, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong and the Vietnamese delegation participated in the signing of several important agreements including cooperation programs in economics, trade, investment, education, training, cultural and national defence.

Momentum for Vietnam’s relations with Western Europe - ảnh 2

Party leader Trong’s visit to Western European countries marked an important milestone creating momentum for Vietnam to boost comprehensive relations with its major partners in Europe. Vietnam augmented its relations with Italy to strategic partnership, strengthened the strategic partnership with the UK and reinforced multi-faceted cooperation with Belgium. Party leader Trong discussed measures to deepen relations between Vietnam and the EU. During this European tour, the Party leader met with Pope Benedict XVI. Trong and EU leaders agreed to strengthen political relations and long-term cooperation in economics, trade and investment, increase mutual trust dialogues, maintain meetings and exchanges between senior leaders. The leaders also discussed cooperation potential and practical ways to expand economic, trade and investment relations between Vietnam and EU, Belgium, Italy and the UK. The Vietnamese and EU leaders mutually esteemed the signing of the Vietnam-EU Partnership Cooperation Agreement and together pledged to accelerate the negotiation on a Free Trade Agreement in the near future. The signed agreement outlines the determination for a more effective cooperation between Vietnam and the EU countries for national defence and security. The means for expanded cooperation are to facilitate relevant ministries and sectors to effectively implement cooperation programs in crime prevention, crisis response management, policy dialogue and military techniques. Trong and EU leaders agreed to maintain cooperation at multi-lateral forums and spend more time discussing measures to boost ASEAN-EU relations. Vietnam, as a coordinator of ASEAN-EU relations will serve as a bridge strengthening relations between the two regions. The leaders discussed for maintaining peace and development in Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region.

The outcomes of Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong visits to Belgium, the EU, Italy and the UK created a foundation and a driving force for the development of strategic and long-standing relations between Vietnam and its European partners for mutual benefits and for peace and development in the region and the world.

Thu Hoa

