Party Central Committee’s mid-term review holds confidence vote

(VOVWORLD) - The mid-term review of the 13th Party Central Committee ended Wednesday after 3 days of meeting. High on the agenda was the votes of confidence on members of the Party Politburo and the Party Secretariat. This is not the first time the Party Central Committee has held a vote of confidence for these positions. What is new is that, under the Politburo's Regulation 96 on votes of confidence for leadership and managerial positions in the political system, the result of the vote of confidence is used not just for cadre assessment, but also for the evaluation, appointment, and mobilization of cadres. It is the basis for preparing personnel for the next Party Congress at all levels.
Party Central Committee’s mid-term review holds confidence vote - ảnh 1Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong and the leaders of the Party and State attend the closing of the mid-term review of the 13th Party Central Committee. (photo: VGP/Nhat Bac)

The Party Central Committee of the 11th and 12th tenure organized a vote of confidence for members of the Party Politburo and the Party Secretariat. Nguyen Duc Ha, former Director of the Party Grassroots Division of the Party Central Committee’s Commission Organization, said the vote of confidence in the previous tenures was objective and accurate. The Politburo still uses three ratings: high confidence, confidence, and low confidence.

“The Party Central Committee holding the vote of confidence for members of the Party Politburo and the Party Secretariat has increased the sense of responsibility of the cadres. A member of the Party Central Committee should have his own mindset and viewpoint. This is a very important channel for evaluation. When members of the Party Politburo and the Party Secretariat get a vote of high confidence, it’s an acknowledgement and reward for them. For those who have poorly performed their assigned work, a vote of low confidence reminds them to improve.”

The current vote of confidence was held under the Politburo’s Regulation 96, which specifies that people who receive more than two-thirds votes of low confidence will be dismissed from their position and appointed to a lower position without waiting until the end of the term.

Party Central Committee’s mid-term review holds confidence vote - ảnh 2Associate Professor Dr. Vu Van Phuc, Vice Chairman of the Scientific Council of Central Party Agencies (photo:

Associate Professor Dr. Vu Van Phuc, Vice Chairman of the Scientific Council of Central Party Agencies, is a member on the project to hold votes of confidence on positions in the Party Politburo and Party Secretariat.

“A new point in the Politburo's Regulation 96 is that the vote of confidence is made the basis for evaluating, appointing, and mobilizing cadres. Regulation 96 takes the vote of confidence to a higher level.”

Regulation 96 adopts new criteria for the exemplary role of leaders, managers, their spouses, and children in abiding by policies and laws. Nguyen Viet Thiet, a member of Thang Long Club said: “If you are not an exemplary model in your family, your wife and children will do improper things and take advantage of your position and power to benefit themselves. That’s a legal violation. Regulation 96 is essential. If you don't strictly comply with the law in your own family, how can you set an example in society?”

Nguyen Ngoc Hac, former Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Defense, said: “In order to be a good leader, one must always do the right thing. Family members must also discipline themselves and not abuse power. That preserves the credibility of the leadership.”

The people see the vote of confidence as an important basis for preparing personnel for the Party Congress at all levels.

People shared their view: “Personnel preparation is a regular and very important task. The vote of confidence is significant in selecting personnel for high positions.”

“How do you vote? How strong is the brainpower and virtue of each cadre? I strongly support the vote of confidence.  It’s important to draw lessons from the previous vote of confidence and re-evaluate the result through other channels.”

At the mid-term review, the members of the Party Central Committee responsibly and properly assessed the quality, capacity, and performance of the cadres, strengthening the quality of the cadres and making the Party purer and stronger.

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