Party resolution on developing Vietnamese culture and people in practice

(VOVWORLD) - The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress on cultural and national development in the 2021-2030 period emphasizes "comprehensive human development and building an advanced Vietnamese culture embracing national identity, to make culture an endogenous strength, a driving force for national development and national defense”. To realize the resolution, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism is urgently completing the National Target Program on revitalizing and developing culture and building Vietnamese people in the 2025-2030 period, with a vision to 2045.
Party resolution on developing Vietnamese culture and people in practice - ảnh 1Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung (photo: Xuan Mai/Vietnamplus)

The National Target Program aims to create a fundamental and enormous change in the development of Vietnamese culture and people, contributing to national defense in the new situation.

Creating strong changes in culture

Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung said that the Program aims to rally all resources for cultural development, as investment in culture is long-term investment for the future.

Mr. Hung said: “We set out 10 requirements in the Program, including better exploiting economic aspects of culture and integrating culture in the economy so that cultural elements will permeate in all areas of human life and promote creativity. This is a long-term requirement. The Program consists of 9 project groups including one important group on developing cultural industries, so that by 2030 culture will make up 7% of the national GDP.”

Under the National Target Program on revitalizing and developing culture and building Vietnamese people in the 2025-2030 period, with a vision to 2045, by 2030 all provincial administrative agencies will have 3 types of cultural institutions, culture and sports centers at the district and communal levels and 95% of special national relics and about 70% of national relics will be restored. At least 75% of people in remote, mountain, border areas, islands, and ethnic communities will participate in cultural activities and access local and national radio and television channels. 

The Program is expected to create drastic, comprehensive changes in revitalizing and developing culture and building the Vietnamese people, and fine-tuning institutions and mechanisms from the central to grassroots levels.

Other targets include improving the quality of education and training, developing high-quality human resources in culture, arts, and cultural industries, and absorbing advanced scientific and technological results into cultural activities.

Party resolution on developing Vietnamese culture and people in practice - ảnh 2Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha (photo:

A great project of cultural revitalization

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha said that all resources should be mobilized to obtain the targets of the Program, which is a great project.

“We have to create new values. There are things we can restore and revive, but there are things we have to develop as new values. Something we have to change for the better. There are things which must be integrated in the market economy. We must make clear what should be preserved for moral education, and what should be promoted into new Vietnamese cultural values," said Mr. Ha.

Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Communication and Education Commission Nguyen Trong Nghia asked the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism to remove policy "bottlenecks" and unclog social resources inside and outside the country for the cause of cultural development. 

“We outline guidelines and orientations to meet the requirements of cultural development in the new era, while meeting the people’s aspirations, consolidating Vietnam's position, and more importantly, strengthening the sustainable and everlasting vitality of the Vietnamese people in today's extremely complex global environment. We will contribute ideas to the upcoming review and create many groundbreaking action programs," Nghia said.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is collecting public opinions to complete the National Target Program on cultural development. The Program is expected to create fundamental changes and make culture an internal strength for national development.

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