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"Plastic Era": A message about environmental protection for children

(VOVWORLD) - An exhibition, called "Plastic Era", featuring the works of internationally renowned Japanese artist Fuji Hiroshi is currently taking place in Hanoi. It engages visitors, especially children, with meaningful messages about the environment.
"Plastic Era": A message about environmental protection for children

"Plastic Era" presents a series of artworks depicting dinosaurs and other animals, each piece meticulously crafted from thousands of plastic toys of all sizes and shapes. Hiroshi says that, during his earlier "Kaekko Bazar" project, a toy exchange initiative, he collected more than 50,000 plastic toys from children.

Knowing the environmental hazard plastic represents, he embarked on a journey to transform these objects into works of art that deliver powerful messages. "At first, I just wanted to collect toys, but after accumulating a massive number of these items, I realized I needed to do something meaningful with them. Today, plastic is everywhere, and it doesn’t decompose naturally—it circulates endlessly. That made me think of dinosaurs, whose images also continue to circulate. That’s why I chose dinosaur forms for my plastic sculptures. Children may not yet fully understand the negative impacts of plastic waste on the environment, but I hope that through this exhibition they will gain a greater awareness of this urgent issue."

The exhibition emphasizes the connection between plastic toys and fossil fuels, derived from dinosaurs and other prehistoric life, and underscores the cyclical nature of consumption and waste. Through his colorful, eye-catching creations, Hiroshi encourages people to reflect on their use of plastic and its environmental impact.

Visitors to the exhibition share their impression: "From familiar toys like Doraemon and Pikachu, large and structurally impressive artworks have been created. The artist’s images from the dinosaur era help children understand historical connections and foster a sense of responsibility in their use of plastic products today."

"I really love these models. They’re made from recycled plastic toys and carry an environmental message."

"I find this idea unique. His art works for children using plastic toys really appeal to young audiences."

The "Plastic Era" exhibition delivers a powerful message about the global plastic waste crisis to inspire a shift in public awareness and encourage action toward reducing plastic waste.

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