Securing Vietnam's achievements in fighting COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) -  Vietnam is one of the countries that have been most successful in containing the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to a united effort by the political system and the public. Since the 4th wave of the pandemic began to surge in April, the Vietnamese government has stepped up its efforts to keep the pandemic contained.

Securing Vietnam's achievements in fighting COVID-19 - ảnh 1The National Assembly assigns the government and the Prime Minister to enact emergency measures to fight COVID-19 (photo:

The National Assembly on Wednesday issued a Resolution allowing the government and the Prime Minister to enact emergency measures to fight COVID-19. Last week, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired an online meeting on implementing the Party Secretariat’s latest directive on COVID-19 prevention and control.

Prime Minister Chinh asked government officials to reach a consensus on new, stronger, more flexible, and more effective measures. He said pandemic measures must be adapted to each locality’s specific conditions, but coordinated by the Prime Minister and the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control. Localities are urged to take stronger, more effective measures against the pandemic, encourage the public to abide by all regulations, step up inspections and control, and restrict contacts between persons, if necessary, to prevent the spread of the virus.

Securing Vietnam's achievements in fighting COVID-19 - ảnh 2HCM City is accelerating COVID-19 vaccination (photo:

The Prime Minister is asking municipal and provincial leaders to lead the fight against COVID-19, enforce social distancing in their locality, and give their full attention to hot spots. Localities must intensify the operations of their local COVID-19 task force and optimize the role of social organizations, the police, and army in containing the pandemic. Localities need to set up consultancy centers, hot lines, and contact points on Zalo and other digital platforms to deal with people’s medical needs and support patients in critical condition.

Prime Minister Chinh said it’s essential to seize this “golden time” in social distancing by quickly stabilizing epidemic-hit areas, preventing any new outbreaks, and establish sustainable safe areas as soon as possible.

Securing Vietnam's achievements in fighting COVID-19 - ảnh 3Many new fields hospitals have been set up (Photo: HCDC)

Localities need to ensure social security; mobilize sufficient human resources, facilities, and equipment to fight the pandemic; and supply food and other essential goods, particularly to laid-off workers, the poor, and people in quarantine camps.

The Prime Minister tasked the Ministry of Health with treating COVID-19 patients, distributing and administering available vaccines, and accelerating the domestic production of a COVID-19 vaccine.

He asked cities, provinces, ministries, and agencies to consolidate and protect “safe zones” which are at low risk, in order to sustain production and business activities. Based on the conditions in each locality, the Prime Minister suggested turning factories into fortresses against the pandemic in which each worker will be a soldier.

Prime Minister Chinh said the government’s Special Working Group led by Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam needs to work diligently to resolve problems as they arise, contain the pandemic, and restore normal life as soon as possible.

