Summer Voluntary Youth Campaign 2022

(VOVWORLD) - The HCM Communist Youth Union has launched Summer Voluntary Youth Campaign 2022 with the aim of helping 74 especially poor districts nationwide.
Summer Voluntary Youth Campaign 2022 - ảnh 1Summer Voluntary Youth Campaign 2022 is launched (photo:

From June to the end of August, the campaign will conduct diverse activities based on local conditions to help poor districts.

First Secretary of the HCM Communist Youth Union Nguyen Anh Tuan said:  "In addition to communications, the campaign will conduct post-COVID-19 treatment and establish teams to improve the digital skills of children and the general community."

Young volunteers will repair 2,000 km and build 500 km of rural roads, develop 500 streets, plant 6 million trees, build 700 charity houses, lay out 1,000 playgrounds for children, and build or upgrade school toilets. 

The campaign encourages Youth Union members to contribute ideas, supports their startup plans, and provides job guidance for young people. 

Summer Voluntary Youth Campaign 2022 - ảnh 2A delegation of the HCM Youth Union's Central Committee presents charity houses to people in Thanh Hoa province (Photo: Nhu Y/

National Assembly Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man said Youth Union organizations need to make the campaign a drive to educate young people about revolutionary ideology, morality, and cultural lifestyle and inspire their volunteer spirit. 

Mr. Man said: "The campaign needs to be in line with the Party and Government’s directions on national digital transformation and innovation. Activities should be based on local conditions to engage Youth Union members and students who will have an opportunity to sharpen their skills and gain maturity."

Launched 22 years ago, the Summer Voluntary Youth Campaign has contributed remarkably to national construction and development.

