Tension between Russia and Turkey soars

(VOVworld)- Tension between Russia and Turkey soared after Ankara shot down a Russian warplane. Both sides have also begun retaliatory sanctions against each other, including economic sanctions.
Tension between Russia and Turkey soars - ảnh 1
Tension between Russia and Turkey soars

Russia has announced a package of economic sanctions against Turkey in retaliation for the shooting down of a Russian jet four days ago on the Syrian-Turkish border. The decree, which came into force immediately, was called: “On measures to ensure Russia’s national security and protect Russian citizens from criminal and other illegal activities, and the application of special economic measures against Turkey.” Among the measures announced were restrictions on imports of some Turkish goods, a ban on charter flights between the two countries and an end to Russian tour operators selling trips to Turkey. It also said Turkish companies operating in Russia and Turkish staff employed by Russian companies will face restrictions and ordered the government to prepare a list of goods, businesses and jobs that would be affected. Moscow will also end visa-free travel for Turkey from January 1, 2016. Earlier, Russia announced a series of economic sanctions on Turkey including the suspension of a number of major investment projects and consideration of vegetable and fruit imports from Turkey.

A senior Turkish official said the sanctions would only worsen the standoff between Moscow and Ankara. In his televised speech on November 27, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan warned Moscow not to play with fire after Russian officials arrested 39 Turkish businessmen for violating visa regulations. But the Turkish President expressed his regret over the downing of a Russian jet and said he hoped to meet the Russian President on the sidelines of the COP 21 in Paris this week. But the Kremlin refused the meeting proposal. Moscow announced that there will not be any meeting and contact until it gets apology from Ankara.

Tension between the two countries soared after Turkey shot down a Russian warplane on the Syrian-Turkish border. Moscow said its jet was shot down in Syrian territory while Turkey said Russian jet violated its airspace. Turkey said it would not apologize because it had the right to protect its airspace. Moscow described the jet downing as the worst incident between Russia and NATO in last half a century and suspected that it was a planned provocation.

There are many assumptions about the reason why Turkey shot down Russia’s Su 24 plane but the public is concerned about a possible trade war between the two countries. Both sides will have to pay if it happens. They are mutually dependant and closely associated, especially in energy. Turkey’s gas supply and tourism depend much on Russia. Russian tourists play an important role in Turkey’s tourism and vice versa. The two countries hope to increase bilateral trade value to 100 billion USD by 2020. The public hopes for restraint from both sides.

