Vietnamese workers promote unity, creativity, development

(VOVWORLD) - The working class and working people worldwide celebrate the 135th anniversary of International Labor Day (May 1, 1886 – May 1, 2021). In Vietnam the working class is the pioneering force of the revolution, which plays a central role in national political events. To mark International Labor Day, Vietnam has launched many campaigns to take care of workers and build a strong working class.
Vietnamese workers promote unity, creativity, development - ảnh 1A poster of International Labor Day, May 1

The working class accounts for 14% of Vietnam’s population and 27% of social workforce. But they contribute more than 65% of annual GDP and 70% of state budget.

Inspiring the power of the working class in national development

The Month for Workers, initiated by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, is a key event this year with the motto “Unity, Creativity, Overcoming Difficulties, Development.” The campaign underscores the role of workers in national development and calls on Trade Unions to play their part in taking care of working people’s lives and protecting their rights.

Tran Thanh Hai, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, said, “The ideology of unity and the role of the working class in each national historical period is to make Vietnam rise high. The Month for Workers underscores unity of the working class, which was first mentioned by President Ho Chi Minh on the International Labor Day in 1946. It’s an overarching task that Vietnam’s Trade Union has always remembered and fulfilled.”

In the renewal process, the Communist Party of Vietnam has identified that the working class is a representative of advanced production methods and a vanguard force in industrialization, modernization, and international integration. The working class’s creativity, innovation, and scientific and technological application in production and trade have pushed development in all sectors.

“People work to generate results for themselves and society. We hope all working people will do their jobs in the most effective way to contribute to national development. Creative work has always been encouraged in history. The Month for Workers 2021 will raise creativity to a new level,” said Tran Thanh Hai, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Many businesses, organizations, trade union members, and workers have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. “Overcoming difficulties” in the Month for Workers means businesses and their employees work together and try for personal happiness, business recovery, and national prosperity.

National campaign

Trade Unions at all levels will carry out 4 programs called 75 thousands innovative ideas to overcome difficulties and develop, Listening, understanding, sharing, Thank you employees, and events to honor employees. 

Vu Thi Giang Huong, acting Director of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor’s Communications and Education Department, talked about the “75 thousands innovative ideas to overcome difficulties and develop” program. “The program wants to encourage employees’ dynamism, creativity, profession, and patriotism to surmount difficulties caused the COVID-19 pandemic. They and their employers will stand side by side to work for the shared benefit,” said Huong.   

The Communist Party of Vietnam identifies that the development of the working class will ensure the success of the national renewal, industrialization, and modernization.

