Vietnam’s diplomatic achievements in 2014

(VOVworld) – Upholding international integration policies, Vietnam has pushed ahead diplomatic activities to obtain specific results. Diplomatic activities have generated advantages for national development and contributed sizably to protecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Vietnam’s diplomatic achievements in 2014 - ảnh 1

Vietnam has continued to implement the diplomatic orientation of the 11th national Party Congress of comprehensive global integration. Vietnam signed free trade agreements with the Republic of Korea and the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia.  Negotiations on a free trade agreement with the EU and the Trans-Pacific Partnership have entered the final stages and are expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2015. While the global economy remains gloomy and many FTA negotiations have slowed down, Vietnam’s successful FTA negotiations are significant, showing the Vietnamese government’s determination to accelerate global integration deeply and comprehensively.

Diplomatic activities in 2014 have fully promoted Vietnam’s strategic partnership with 14 countries and comprehensive partnership with 11 countries. Vietnam’s political and diplomatic lobbying this year has helped it gain the acknowledging of 12 partners for its market economy status, bringing the total number to 56 countries. The US said there was no political obstacle to acknowledge Vietnam’s market economy status and the US will soon announce its acknowledgement. In a joint statement during Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s visit to the EU in November, the EU said it will continue support for Vietnam’s global integration as a market economy.

Protecting national sovereignty, maintaining a peaceful, stable environment for development

Vietnam’s diplomatic sector has flexibly handled territorial disputes in the East Sea. Following China’s illegal placement of oil rig Haiyang Shiyou 981 in its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, Vietnam conducted 40 meetings and exchanges with China at all levels.

Vietnam’s diplomatic achievements in 2014 - ảnh 2

At regional and international forums, Vietnam voiced its views and legitimate rights on the East Sea issue, and confirmed its stance on international security, maritime safety, international law compliance, and resolving disputes by peaceful measures. Several countries and organizations supported Vietnam and opposed China’s violation of international law. In ASEAN, Vietnam strove to foster unity and common views on East Sea issues. For the first time in nearly 20 years, ASEAN issued a joint statement on the East Sea, underlining the principle of not using force to resolve disputes and appealing for full implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) between ASEAN and China, and heading to adopt the Code of Conduct (COC).

Bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities have been carried out effectively and promptly, contributing to protecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity in the East Sea.

Showing Vietnam’s status and role in global issues

Vietnam has maintained its important role at regional and global forums and organizations like the UN, ASEAN, ASEM, and APEC. Vietnam successfully hosted the APEC Human Resource Development Ministers Meeting and the ASEM conference on human rights and initiated a plan to open an APEC human resources development center in Vietnam.

Vietnam’s diplomatic achievements in 2014 - ảnh 3

Vietnam took important positions in multi-lateral cooperative mechanisms such as the UN Human Rights Council, the IAEA Board of Governors, and UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee. Vietnam is preparing to host the 132nd IPU General Assembly in 2015.

Based on diplomatic achievements in 2014, Vietnam will continue to pursue its comprehensive global integration policy. Vietnam will broaden relations with all countries while being a responsible member of the international community.

