Craft villages prepare for Tet

Craft villages prepare for Tet

(VOVworld) – Craft villages in the central province of Thua Thien Hue and garden houses in the southern province of Binh Phuoc are busy at the moment preparing for the upcoming Tet...
Clap film festival promotes new talents

Clap film festival promotes new talents

(VOVworld) – The first film festival gathering new talents in film making, be it for cinema, television or the internet is ongoing in Hanoi until the weekend. Entitled ‘Clap! Hanoi’, the event,...
Hanoi, an elegant, civilized city

Hanoi, an elegant, civilized city

(VOVworld) – Hanoians’ elegance and civilized behavior are two of the fine cultural characteristics of Vietnam’s capital city. A project is underway to preserve and promote Hanoi’s culture in the...
Traveling to love the country more

Traveling to love the country more

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has diverse scenic spots from the north to the south, world-recognized tourist sites to beautiful, untouched places in remote areas. Traveling to explore the hidden charms of Vietnam is...
Vegetarian eating in Hue

Vegetarian eating in Hue

(VOVworld) –Vegetarian eating according to Buddhist beliefs is a way to show respect to and treasure life. But to Hue citizens, it’s a good way to stay healthy. Vegetarian restaurants...
Discovering Hanoi’s architecture

Discovering Hanoi’s architecture

(VOVworld) – A book called “The old ironworks” by painter researcher Tran Hau Yen The has breathed new life into the research of Hanoi’s architecture. It has won the 7th...
Hoang Sa-Vietnam: the pain and losses

Hoang Sa-Vietnam: the pain and losses

(VOVworld) – The documentary film “Hoang Sa-Vietnam: the pain and losses” reflects the simple life of fishermen in Binh Chau island commune and Ly Son island district in Quang Ngai province. The film...
Vietnamese artists and national seas and islands

Vietnamese artists and national seas and islands

(VOVworld) – Vietnamese people at home and abroad have been protesting China’s illegal placement of an oilrig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone. Many art performances have been held to raise...
VOV’s national press award winners

VOV’s national press award winners

(VOVworld) – Reporters from the Voice of Vietnam’s central region bureau won the top national press award in 2012 and 2013. Their entry last year examined loopholes in water resources management...
“Pride of Vietnam’s sea and islands”

“Pride of Vietnam’s sea and islands”

(VOVworld) – 900 students from universities nationwide participated in the “Students and Vietnam’s sea and islands” program in Phu Quoc and Tho Chu islands in Kien Giang province from May 15-18. They...