Wednesday March 27, 2013

A: On April 1st, we’ll have new frequencies for the summer broadcast beaming to some areas in Europe and America. VOV’s delayed broadcast from Moosbrunn, Woofferton, and Dhabayya to Western Europe at 17:00 UTC will be on 9625 khz.

B: VOV’s broadcast from Woofferton, and Cypress Creek to Eastern North America at 01:00 UTC and 02:30 UTC will be on 12005 khz, and to Central America and the Caribbean at 03:30 UTC on 6175 khz. We’ll send copies of our new frequencies to all of you. You can also check it out on our website at I hope the changes will create good signal quality.  

A: I’m reading a letter from Ian Stagg of England. I love the post card he sent us of the Gaskell Memorial Tower in King street, Knutsford, Cheshire. The photo reminds me of the time I was in England. I miss the old streets with stone pavements and two-storey houses with colorful flowers on their balconies. Phuong, let’s see the photo.

B: Oh, it’s lovely. The photo shows one corner of the town but I can feel the tranquil ambience of the entire area. Ian Stagg said Knutsford town is about 8 km from his home. The town has a long history. Gaskell Tower was built to commemorate the 19th century author Elizabeth Gaskell, one of England’s most famous female authors. 

A: Thank you Ian for sending us the postcard, which teaches us something about your country. We have checked your reception report for the program on March 3. It’s very specific which shows that you listened attentively. The reception quality was good with SINPO at 45444. Ian wrote: “I very much enjoy listening to VOV because of its very good news coverage. Many interesting features such as business, music, tradition, and festivals are all of interest to shortwave listeners like me. I was very interested in a Friday Culture segment which was about a longevity celebration. This is a very nice idea to show elderly relatives that they still have a large part in a family.”

A: In Vietnam, customarily, the elderly stay with their children instead of going to retirement homes. The children can take care of their parents. Vietnamese people place great importance on fulfilling one’s filial duty to one’s parents. In recent years, there is a growing trend for young people to live in their own houses once they begin to earn a stable income or get married. But the tradition of the eldest child taking care of the parents and the ancestral altar has been maintained. At the beginning of the year, the eldest son holds a reunion party for the extended family. It’s a celebration to wish the parents health, longevity, and happiness living with their children.

 Wednesday March 27, 2013 - ảnh 1

B: Here is letter from another British listener, Grant Skinner. He submitted a report after listening to VOV’s broadcast at 18:19 UTC on February 28 on 5955 khz. He used a Grundig  YB400 with an extendable rod which gave a SINPO of all 5s. Grant then reported listening to some programs in early March on the frequency of 9730 khz. SINPO rating was less than 4s.

A: Grant comments: “I greatly appreciate Radio the Voice of Vietnam’s continued presence on shortwave. So many radio stations have abandoned shortwave, leaving their loyal listeners with no alternative for learning about the country they wish to listen to on shortwave radio. I’ve learnt a lot by listening to Radio the Voice of Vietnam. I would feel lost if your radio station abandoned shortwave. I hope VOV continues to use shortwave far into the future as I remain your loyal and devoted listener in England.”

B: I was moved to read your letter, Grant, which shows us your sincere and enthusiastic passion for shortwave radio and VOV. We, the VOV staff, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you and all our loyal listeners. We hope that VOV continues to be committed to shortwave broadcasts in the far future. We’ll definitely need your support in the long run.

A: From Libya, Abdulkarim Ahmed Ali sent us a reception report for the program starting at 18 UTC on February 15. The signal quality on 5955 khz was good, with a SINPO rating of all 4s. Ali thanked us for the 2013 calendar he just received. We didn’t anticipate that it would take several months to deliver a letter or package to your home. Ali says he has sent us many letters in past years but has received no reply so far.

B: We’re really sorry to hear that, Ali. The last letter we got from you was a New Year’s Greeting card last December. We acknowledged it on our Letter Box on December 19. In that letter, you informed us of your new address and it was updated in our contact book. Previous letters were sent to your old address. We hope you can check your old address to see if any letters from VOV came after you moved out.

A: Nigerian listener Sanusi Isah Dankaba asked us whether we plan to organize another knowledge competition for overseas listeners. Yes, we have a listeners’ writing contest every 5 years. The last one was in 2010 and the next will be in 2015. We’ll award three tickets to visit Vietnam in addition to some smaller prizes. We hope to receive your entry on that occasion.

B: Dewan Rafiqul Islam, President of the Friends Radio Club in Bangladesh, informed us that he will to celebrate his 17th wedding anniversary on April 6. He wants to arrange a party and has invited the VOV staff to join. It’s a pity we can’t attend your special event. But we will honor your request for some VOV souvenirs. Dewan Rafiqul Islam and his wife are devoted VOV listeners. They enjoy the news, political commentaries and interviews, as well as social and cultural features.

A: Japanese listener Toshiya Nishimura reported listening to a program on March 17 starting at 13:30 UTC on 12020 khz. He used a vertical antenna and said the SINPO rating was 44333. The general reception was good and easy to hear. Toshiya wants to know the country with the most VOV listeners. We have listeners in over 30 countries. Most are in the US, the UK, Germany, and Australia.

B: Last but not least on our show today, we acknowledge letters from Debakamal Hazarika of India, Richard Lemke of Canada, Muneer Kaitha Parambath of the United Arab Emirates, Fumito Hokamura of Japan, Reiner Peuthert of Germany, and Antonis Machado Segunde of Angola. Our time is running out here on VOV’s Letter Box. Thank you for spending time with us and for your detailed feedback. Before we go, I’d like to remind you of our address:

English section, Overseas Service, Radio Voice of Vietnam, 45 Ba Trieu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. Or you can email us at: You’re invited to visit us at, where you can hear both live and recorded programs. Good bye until next time.

