Wednesday October 9, 2013

A: Since last week, we have been doing some technical upgrading and we have had to temporarily suspend our broadcasts on the frequencies of 12020 khz and 9840 khz between 7am and 6pm from October 2nd to October 12th. During this period, our programs are being redirected to the frequency of 7220 khz at 3:30 to 4:30, 18:30 to 19:00, 20:30 to 21:00, and 23:00 to 23:30. Everything will get back to normal on October 13th.

B: The frequency of 12020 khz is mainly used by our Japanese listeners. I think because of the change, we have received fewer letters than usual this week from Japanese listeners. We expect that after the upgrade, transmissions, particularly our up coming winter broadcasts, will be better.

A: This week listeners sent their condolences for the death of General Vo Nguyen Giap, which has affected all Vietnamese people. Jayanta Chakrabarty of India wrote on our website after watching a Photo Album depicting the life of General Giap. “Gen Giap was a true patriot and one of the greatest sons of Vietnam who fought for the honour, respect and dignity of a proud and courageous people. He is a genuine representative and pride of the Vietnamese, a self-taught general who drove the French out of Vietnam and freed it from the shackles of colonial rule and later defeated the mighty American military forces.”

Wednesday October 9, 2013 - ảnh 1
General Vo Nguyen Giap when he met war veterans

B: He continues: “General Giap was a national hero whose legacy is second only to his mentor - the founder of united Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh who led the country to independence. They were instrumental in unifying the Fatherland and bring it onto the road of peace, progress and prosperity. General Giap's victories had far-reaching effects on the collapse of colonialism across Indo-China and beyond. His contribution to national liberation is unparalleled in the annals of modern history.”

A: Jayanta commented “The photo album is educative and absorbing. It brings out various facets of this great versatile man. Through different photos we come to know the human aspects of Gen Giap - a humble, dignified man of a generous gentle nature, full of warmth and at the same time displaying a strong character and determination. This modest gentleman is revered not only in Vietnam but all over the world. A loving father and husband with a strong devotion to his countrymen. His keen love of music and nature is also depicted in the album.”

Wednesday October 9, 2013 - ảnh 2
Soldier singer Tuong Vi and children congratulated General Giap on his 95th birthday

B: Thank you so much Jayanta for your sincere compliments, which show an understanding of President Ho Chi Minh, General Giap, and Vietnam. Ashik Eqbal Tokon of Bangladesh wrote in an email on Oct 8: “I want to share my condolences with you for the passing away of your great leader General Vo Nguyen Giap. I hope he will live long in the hearts of Vietnamese and others around the world.”

A: We would like to express our deep gratitude to our listeners for sharing the sadness of the Vietnamese people. Here are some other letters and reception reports. British listener Gerry Neumann told us: I’m sorry that I haven’t written for some time – the reason is that I spent 2 months, July and August, in Vietnam and then a short time in September in Germany. Now I’m back in England, and tuning in to VOV English regularly again. Reception on 9625 KHz at 17 utc is excellent –SINPO 55555.”

B: We are grateful to receive your email again, and at the same time regretting that we didn’t meet when you were in Vietnam. We are guessing you were in Hue for a summer course teaching English. We’re hoping to receive regular feedback from you now that you’re back in the UK.

A: Bangladeshi Dx’er Ashik Eqbal Tokon wrote: “I was so happy to tune in to your Sunday show while traveling from Sunamgank to Dhaka. Thank you for the excellent program on traditional Ca Tru folk music. While listening to the song of a lady at the end of this show, I felt an emotion with its point, rhythm and instrumental melody. FANTASTIC...though I understand nothing of the lyrics...That’s called the power of Music! Really disheartening news that it is gradually losing popularity and the young do not care about it very much.”

Wednesday October 9, 2013 - ảnh 3
A Ca Tru performance has one female vocalist and two instrumentalists.

B: We are glad to know our program on Vietnam’s traditional music was warmly received by someone of a different culture. Music is a universal language which can close geographical and cultural gaps. You said you went to our website to hear the Sunday Show featuring Ca Tru again, but found an article on Betel Chewing posted on October 8 instead. The Betel Chewing was on the previous Sunday show. We’re sorry for posting the Ca Tru program several days late. The Ca Tru show is now up on our website at  

A: Muhammad Shamim of India sent us a reception report for the program on October 1 on the frequency of 12005 khz. He rated SINPO at all 4s. He was most interested in the segment on “Colorful Vietnam” which was about the duet drum dance of the Cham H’roi ethnic minority group living in Phu Yen province. Muhammad asks “what is the national flower of Vietnam?”.

B: The Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is conducting a poll to select a flower to represent Vietnam and the lotus flower is very likely to win. Initial results of a nationwide survey indicate that most people are voting for the lotus flower.

Wednesday October 9, 2013 - ảnh 4
People collecting lotus flowers to make lotus-scented tea

A: Vietnamese people regard the Lotus as one of the most graceful and noble of flowers. Known as the flower of the dawn’, the Lotus is found in lakes and ponds throughout the country. It is a symbol of purity, commitment and optimism for the future. The elegance of the lotus is often cited in Vietnamese folk songs and poems. There is a poem about the lotus flower that almost every Vietnamese person knows. In the poem, the lotus embodies a philosophy of living a noble life.

“In the pond, what flower can be more beautiful than lotus flowers

“Green leaves, white petals, and yellow pistil

“Yellow pistil, white petals and green leaves

“Living close to the mud but not stinking with the mud’s odour.”

B: That’s it for today’s Letter Box. We welcome your feedback at: English section, Overseas Service, Radio Voice of Vietnam, 45 Ba Trieu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. Or you can email us at: You’re invited to visit us online at, where you can hear both live and recorded programs. Good bye from Hanoi.

