Wednesday September 11, 2013

Hello and welcome to VOV’s Letter Box, our weekly feature dedicated to listeners throughout the world. I’m Mai Phuong.

And I’m Ngoc Huyen. It’s great to be back again in VOV’s Letter Box.

A: Last week was a busy week for us as we celebrated both Vietnam’s 68th National Day September 2nd and the 68th birthday of Radio Voice of Vietnam, September 7th. We received a lot of greetings from our listeners through out the world. From Bangladesh, Ashik Eqbal Tokon wrote: “ In the year of 1945, world introduced with a new sensation. Vietnam’s Voice on the wave. Times goes on. The new born baby now much more better than earlier, by all means. Strong in frequencies, excellent programming, perfect analysis on world and internal politics. Proudly represent own self in every type of broadcasting technologies. Tomorrow, September 7 is a historic day. Happy birthday to Radio the Voice of Vietnam”.
Wednesday September 11, 2013 - ảnh 1
B: From India, Shri Bhagwan Sharma wrote: “First, many congratulations on the 68th anniversary of VOV. VOV is working very well and providing good information about Vietnamese culture, folk rituals, legends, heritage etc. It is our only and good source to know Vietnam. I wish VOV complete 100 years. Best wishes to you!”

B: Thank you very much for your greetings. Over the last 68 years, along with the rapid development of the country, Radio the Voice of Vietnam has gone from strength to strength.

B: I’m always excited every time I hear the signature tune of our station. It reminds me of the jubilant celebrations in Vietnam during the first independence days in 1945.

A: Yes, me too. “This is the Voice of Vietnam broadcasting from Hanoi, the Capital of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam”. That announcement was broadcast at 11.30 hrs on September 7, 1945, a historical moment that announced the birth of Radio the Voice of Vietnam. And our English Program was one of the first programs launched that day. I’m very proud of it.

Wednesday September 11, 2013 - ảnh 2
VOV recorded President Ho Chi Minh's New Year Greetings on February 2, 1969

B: During the national liberation struggles, VOV was one of the communication tools used to disseminate the Party and Government’s guidelines and instructions as well as orders from the High Command of the Vietnam People’s Armed Forces. A crucial contributor to the victories in the nine years of fighting against the French colonialists was the Voice of Vietnam. We’re very proud to say that the activities carried out by the radio station equaled that of a mighty army corps as it heroically entered the fight against the enemy and contributed to many resounding victories.

A: Now that VOV continues its role as an important revolutionary media organization of the Party and the State. Operating in 4 formats: radio, TV, print and online, VOV offers listeners alternate access to information sources. The establishment of VOV’s TV channel, traffic information channel, online newspaper and the website of the Overseas Service has demonstrated the organization’s steady development over the years.

B: At a ceremony to mark the station’s 68th birthday last week, General Director Nguyen Dang Tien said VOV will implement many new projects in the years to come. These will include the upgrading of a number of key radio channels such as the Traffic Information Channel, the Overseas Service, the Ethnic Language Channel, and the National Assembly Channel.

Wednesday September 11, 2013 - ảnh 3
VOV General Director Nguyen Dang Tien at the ceremony to mark the station’s 68th birthday

A:  With our tireless efforts to renovate ourselves to become part of the new era of integration and the vigorous development of the media, we look forward to attracting more listeners from across the world.

B: Naidu Venkatrao of India wrote to us for the first time. Naidu is a journalist and very much interested in Vietnamese people and culture. He congratulated us on the 68th anniversary of VOV.

A: Thank you Naidu and please keep tuning in to VOV to learn more about Vietnamese people, land and culture. Also from India, Debalamal Hazarika of the Universal DX Club reported listening to our program on September 9 at 1350 UTC on the frequency of 12020 with SINPO rated at 43343. Debalamal wrote: “I have listened to your today’s edition of Colorful Vietnam, Vietnam’s 54 ethnic groups. In this program, I have heard about the village architecture of the ethnic groups. That was really very nice. Your program really helps me in many ways. I came to know through program many facts about Vietnam’s ethnic groups, lifestyle, culture, tradition… I very much enjoyed listening today’s program. I found today’s program more knowledgeable and informative”.

B: Thank you Debalamal. We are sending you or QSL card to confirm your reception report. On VOV English Program, we broadcast a wide range of program covering different aspects of Vietnam to introduce to listeners throughout the world. In addition to daily news and current affairs, we have features about Vietnam’s land, people, culture, music as well as economic and development. We really hope that you find them interesting.

A: Here we have a letter from Micheal Meyer of Denmark. Michael reported listening to our program on September 9, from 16:00 to 16:30 UTC. Micheal wrote” “ I sometimes listen to your evening broadcasts, which also inspires me to visit your website. Especially I like music and culture programs a lot. I give you a short report on the reception quality here in Denmark based on three of your evening transmission in English”.

B: Using Sony ICF 2001/2010 with a small outdoor antenna, Micheal listened to our program on frequencies of 7220 kHz, and 7280Khz with SINPO rated at 21431 and 34343 respectively. Micheal wrote the program was not audible on the frequency 9550 while on 9730, the SINPO wasrated at 45444. Thank you for your detailed reception report. It is very useful for us to verify our signals of transmission in different localities so we can adjust to improve them. We have sent you our verification cards to confirm your report.

A: Miss Usha Hazarika of India listened to our program on September 7 at 1620 UTC on the frequency of 9550 KHz with SINPO rated at 43333. Usha wrote: “It’s very happy to listen to the amazing Voice of Vietnam on the air last night here in Assam, India. I really thank you for your excellent “weekend music show” program. In this program today, you played some nice Vietnamese music, which was so enjoyable. All the songs played in today’s show was really nice. I found this program more enjoyable and knowledgeable. I have earned lots more about Vietnamese, arts and culture, customs, traditions and Vietnamese lifestyle from Voice of Vietnam. I enjoyed your program very much”.

B: We’re grateful that you enjoyed our program. We’ve checked your reception report which was precise and detailed. We’ll send you our QSL card.

A: Last but not least on today’s show, we’d like to acknowledge letters Allan Fenix and Eugene Radice of USA, Karobi Hazarika of India, Mizanur Rahman of Bangladesh, Vikram Keshavala of the UK and Fumito Hokamura of Japan. Thank you all for spending time with us and for your detailed feedback. We’ll confirm your reports with QSL cards as soon as possible. Before we go, let us remind you once again of our address:

B: We welcome your feedback at: the English section, Overseas Service, Radio Voice of Vietnam, 45 Ba Trieu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. Or you can email us at: You’re invited to visit us online at, where you can hear both live and recorded programs. Good bye from Hanoi.


