1.290 MW electricity supplemented to the national electric grid

(VOVworld) - Petro Vietnam Power Coperation (PV power) targets to futher supply nearly 1300 MW of electrcity this year to aid the national socio-economic development.

1.290 MW electricity supplemented to the national electric grid - ảnh 1
Photo: Internet

The corporation is tapping all their resources of personnel, finance and equipment to speed up projects to meet the country’s power needs. According to its plans, a series of power plants will be in operation by the end of this year, including Phú Quý wind power plant of 6.3 MW capacity in Binh Thuận province, Vũng Áng 1 thermal power plant of 1.200 MW capacity in Hà Tĩnh province, and Hủa Na hydropower plant of 180 MW in Nghệ An province. PV Power has been strived to accomplish their goal of the second largest Vietnam’s power producer with the total electric supply of 9.000 MW, which accounts for 20% of installed capacity and 30% of the whole grid’s output.

