12th National Party Congress officially opens on January 21st

(VOVworld) - The 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam opened in Hanoi on Thursday, gathering 1,510 delegates representing over 4.5 million Party members.

12th National Party Congress officially opens on January 21st - ảnh 1
The delegates raise their Party membership cards to approve the 12th National Party Congress' agenda at the preparatory session on Jan. 20 (Photo: VNA)

The Congress is themed “Promoting the building of a pure, strong Party, while mobilizing the strength of the entire nation and socialist democracy, stepping up reform, safeguarding the Fatherland, maintaining a peaceful and stable environment, and turning Vietnam into a modern industrialized country.”

Addressing the opening ceremony, President Truong Tan Sang reviewed 30 years of renewal and the implementation of the Party resolution of the 2011-2015 term, setting up orientations, goals, and missions through 2020, and electing the 12th Party Central Committee.

12th National Party Congress officially opens on January 21st - ảnh 2
Politburo member and President Truong Tan Sang delivered the opening speech at the 12th National Party Congress (Photo: VNA)

Mr. Sang said “the Congress is particularly important in setting directions and encouraging the entire Party, army, and people to strengthen Party building and uphold national strength. The Congress is a meeting of national solidarity, democracy, discipline, and reforms reflecting the national resilient will and determination to build Vietnam into a strong country with prosperous people, a democratic, fair, and civilized society advancing steadily to socialism.”

12th National Party Congress officially opens on January 21st - ảnh 3
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong delivers the report (Photo: VNA)

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong read the 11th Party Central Committee’s report on documents of the 12th Party Congress, saying that in the next five years, global developments will directly affect Vietnam’s renewal process offering it both opportunities and challenges. He underlined six key tasks, including the building of a transparent Party, the continued reform of ways of thinking, and being true to national independence while moving toward socialism, self-control, and international integration.

Mr. Trong said “to maximize opportunities and overcome difficulties and challenges, the entire Party, army, and people should unite and be determined to build a strong Party, and improve its leadership and fighting spirit. It’s necessary to step up the reforms comprehensively, develop the national economy sustainably, and improve people’s material and spiritual life. It’s essential to securely defend national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Proactive participation in maintaining peace, stabilizing relations, and international integration will help to elevate Vietnam’s position and prestige in the world.”

To realize these tasks, Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong specifically insisted on unity in the Party, calling it the core of building national solidarity toward consolidating public faith in the Party.

“It’s essential to strengthen the close ties between the Party and people, mobilize the public to implement the Party’s guidelines and government policies, and resolve the people’s legitimate complaints. Success in upholding of people’s strength will help national development and defense,” according to Mr. Trong.

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said the convergence of the will and intelligence of the Party, people, and army, will complete all set tasks.

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