13th session of the NA Standing Committee opens

13th session of the NA Standing Committee opens - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- The National Assembly’s Standing Committee began its 13th session in Hanoi today. In his address, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said that the deputies will review the 4th session of the National Assembly, and discuss preparations for the 5th session and next year’s programs on external affairs and international cooperation of NA agencies and the agenda of the NA Standing Committee. During the session, the Committee will also discuss implementation of the NA resolution on votes of confidence for officials elected or appointed by the National Assembly and People’s Councils. The second revision of the 1992 Constitution, the plan to collect public opinions on the revision of the 1992 Constitution, the revised Land Law and the Law on Mediation at grassroots level will also be high on the agenda. In addition, the Committee will discuss budget allocations for the national target programs on climate change and environmental pollution. The session will end on Friday.

