15 years of Cu Lao Cham Biosphere Reserve celebrated

(VOVWORLD) - Hoi An city held a ceremony on Thursday to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Cu Lao Cham – Hoi An being recognized by UNESCO as a World Biosphere Reserve.

15 years of Cu Lao Cham Biosphere Reserve celebrated - ảnh 1Hoi An honors collectives and individuals who have made great contribution to preserving and promoting the value of the Cu Lao Cham Biosphere Reserve. (Photo: Long Phi/ VOV)

Since the recognition in 2009, Cu Lao Cham (Cham islet) has made much progress in conservation work, especially with its coral reef ecosystem and sea turtle protection.

Cu Lao Cham has become a role model in Vietnam in sorting waste at its source and protecting the environment, and making the islet a destination for green tourism.

15 years of Cu Lao Cham Biosphere Reserve celebrated - ảnh 2The visitors explore the Cu Lao Cham Biosphere Reserve. (Photo: Long Phi/ VOV)

The people have join our efforts in preserving biodiversity along the coastline and in the sea. We have also enhanced management, patrolling, and strict punishment for violations, and have banned any exploitation in the Cu Lao Cham Marine Protected Area,” Nguyen The Hung, Vice Chairman of Hoi An city’s People’s Committee, and Head of the Management Board of the Cu Lao Cham World Biosphere Reserve, said.

From now until the end of July, many cultural events will take place on Cu Lao Cham and elsewhere in Hoi An, including a photo exhibit on biodiversity and efforts to preserve natural resources and protect the environment in the Biosphere Reserve and the launch of a "Clean the Sea" campaign.

