2013 anti-corruption prevention and control activities highlighted

2013 anti-corruption prevention and control activities highlighted  - ảnh 1
(Photo: Internet)

(VOVworld) - So far this year, 80 cases have been detected and 90 people have been identified as being involved in corruption, worth nearly 6 million USD. Half of the amount has been so far reclaimed.

Government Inspector General Huynh Phong Tranh revealed the figures to the National Assembly on Tuesday from a report on this year’s corruption prevention and control activities. Though a number of serious corruption cases that have drawn the public attention have been sent for trial, the detection and settlement of these crimes haven’t been carried out strictly enough.

In his verification report, National Assembly Judicial Committee Chairman Nguyen Van Hien said that the efficiency of specialized agencies in corruption prevention and control hadn’t met requirements. A number of measures to combat corruption had not proven efficient, in addition to the lack of a feasible mechanism to control the accuracy of asset declaration. Dinh Xuan Thao, a National Assembly deputy for Hanoi, says:

The current legal regulations are relatively adequate and strict. The problem is how they are organized and implemented. For example, in order to make asset declaration transparent in state agencies, it’s necessary to publicize income and expenditure for supervision. The regulation on personal income and assets is clear but the point is how to declare and control the process.”

National Assembly Judicial Committee Chairman Nguyen Van Hien comments:

We should focus on completing the mechanism and legal documents, overcoming any weaknesses in socio-economic management, especially in sensitive areas where corruption can easily occur. We should also increase the competence, responsibility, and dependence of inspection and auditing agencies in detecting and handling corruption cases. The government should speed up the promulgation or submit to the National Assembly for issuing a more efficient mechanism in assets and income control for officers and all state servants.

Apart from these measures, social education should also be increased to spread an anti-corruption movement, involving the entire people in detecting and denouncing the crime.

