2013: year of extreme weather events

(VOVworld) – 2013 has seen a record sea level rise and the 10th highest temperature since modern meteorological records began around the year 1850.

In an annual report released by the World Meteorological Organization of the UN (WMO), the highest sea level was recorded in March. The current annual rise is 3.2 millimeters, double the average for the 20th century. WMO Secretary General Michel Jarraud pointed to sea level rise as one of the major causes of coastal communities being severely affected by extreme weather events. 

2013: year of extreme weather events - ảnh 1
Super typhoon Haiyan severely hits the Philippines. (Photo: Reuters)

Jarraud predicted that the sea level will continue to rise as the ocean absorbs 90% of the heat discharged by green house gases, causing higher sea water temperatures and thaw. Experts warned that without a prompt response to huge gas emissions, the world is likely to face continued catastrophes like super storms, water shortages, animal extinctions, droughts, saltwater intrusion, and epidemics.

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