20th ASEAN Summit: Strong commitment for peace, security and development

20th ASEAN Summit: Strong commitment for peace, security and development - ảnh 1
ASEAN leaders adopted various joint declarations aimed at fostering ASEAN cooperation in the future

(VOVWorld) - The 20th ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh ended on Wednesday with a commitment from every country to continue working closely to ensure regional peace, security and development. ASEAN’s leaders are determined to build up trust within the community, and introduce a common code of conduct. This will help to cope with the newly-emerging challenges that the region faces. The delegates also agreed to firm up relations within the bloc, under agreements made at previous ASEAN summits.  ASEAN’s counterparts will also be encouraged to help the bloc realize its target of creating an ASEAN Community by 2015. ASEAN will then play a central role in the regions structure for the benefit of all member countries. Other proposals included holding more talks between ASEAN and its counterparts, and preparations for the anniversary of diplomatic relations being established between ASEAN and India, the US, the EU and Canada.

Regarding the East Sea, ASEAN leaders reiterated the significance of ensuring peace, stability, security, and maritime safety. Respecting international laws was also hiugh on the agenda, particularly the 1982 UN Conventional on the Law of the Seab as well as he Declaration of Code of Conduct of the parties in the East Sea. They urged ASEAN to reach a consensus  on articles for  the Code of Conduct in the East Sea.

Prime Minister  Nguyen Tan Dung made important recommendations on regional issues, the East Sea, sub-regional co-opeation, including the Mekong Sub-region. Vietnam’s leader also urged for more efforts to cope with natural disasters, climate change, and maritime security. He called on ASEAN to work out a Declaration on regional water security, step up ASEAN external relations and ASEAN global talks.

At the closing ceremony, ASEAN leaders adopted a Joint Declaration and laid down documents to set a direction for and accelerate co-operation within the bloc

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his entourage left Phnom Penh for Vietnam on Wednesday.

