22 young representives to join Australia-Vietnam Leadership Dialogue 2021

(VOVWORLD) - The Australia-Vietnam Leadership Dialogue (AVLD), an independent non-profit initiative that was established to nurture Australia and Vietnam relationships, has just selected 22 young leaders representing Australia and Vietnam, aged between 25 and 35, to attend the 2021 Dialogue.
22 young representives to join Australia-Vietnam Leadership Dialogue 2021 - ảnh 1Margaret Beazley, Governor of New South Wales - the state that sponsors the 2021 Australia - Vietnam Young Leadership Dialogue (Photo: Nhan dan newspaper)

The 22 delegates are leaders and pioneers from all walks of life – agriculture, arts, business, tourism, non-profits, sports and technology – who are driven and prepared to challenge systemic issues to create meaningful impact in our communities, said the Australian Embassy in VIetnam on Wednesday.

The Dialogue will be held online from September 5-9 also with the participation of Vietnamese and Australian delegates in Sydney under the sponsorship of the New South Wales state government.  
During 5 days, young representatives will participate in discussions and seminars with famous speakers from Vietnam and Australia to gain a deeper understanding of the concerns of the two countries today, especially of young people.
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