27th International Biology Olympiad opens

(VOVworld) – 268 competitors from 71 countries and territories are participating in the 27th International Biology Olympiad (IBO) in Hanoi.

27th International Biology Olympiad opens  - ảnh 1
The Vietnamese competitors at the IBO opening ceremony

The event which opened on Sunday and will run until July 23 is organized by the Ministry of Education and Training and the Hanoi University of Pedagogy. 4 Vietnamese competitors are Vu Thi Chinh, Nguyen Ngoc Minh Hai, Nguyen Dac Hieu and Le Thi Hong Hoa.

27th International Biology Olympiad opens  - ảnh 2
Minister of Education and Training Phung Xuan Nha addressed the opening ceremony

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Minister of Education and Training Phung Xuan Nha said this year’s Olympiad has the highest number of participants so far. Mr. Nha said he wanted the competitors to capitalize the most on their strength and learn from each other: “The IBO week ahead will be full of challenges but be useful for students. It will be stressful, but meaningful for teachers. IBO 2016 provides opportunities for us to promote cooperation, experience sharing, learning spirit and study of biology. It will also pave the way for opening relationship and enhance scientific capability of the biologist community in the world”.

IBO is an annual event where school students from all over the world compete and where cooperation between teachers and young talents is boosted. Prof. Poompipope Kasemsap, President of the International Biology Olympiad, said this year’s test includes theory and practice questions related to Vietnam’s biodiversity. During the week, competitors will also participate in workshops on biology and visit historical and scenic sites in Vietnam.  

