283 products named Vietnam National Brands

(VOVWORLD) - 283 products from 124 companies were honored on Wednesday as Vietnam National Brands for 2020. This certification of their high quality and mastery of technology will elevate their prestige and competitiveness in the market.

283 products named Vietnam National Brands - ảnh 1Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Vuong Dinh Hue (R) and VOV President Nguyen The Ky present the Vietnam National Brands trophies.

Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh, Chairman of the National Brand Council, told the award ceremony, “Companies honored as Vietnam National Brands have secured a top position, maintained a steady growth in profits and revenues, and held their market share domestically and globally despite the COVID-19 pandemic casting a shadow on the world economy." He went on to say that the Vietnam National Brands program brings added status to Vietnam as the origin of high-quality commodities and services.

