45th anniversary of Vietnam–Sweden diplomatic ties marked in Stockholm

45th anniversary of Vietnam–Sweden diplomatic ties marked in Stockholm  - ảnh 1
Ambassador Tran Van Hinh and Swedish Ambassador for Trade Ewa Bjorling. Photo: internet
(VOVworld) – Swedish Minister for Trade Ewa Bjorling has praised Vietnam’s socio-economic achievements, adding that the two countries bilateral ties were becoming stronger. She made the remarks at a ceremony on Thursday held in Stockholm by the Vietnamese Embassy in Sweden to celebrate the 45th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. Ms. Bjorling said that the two sides still held great cooperative potential, especially in Sweden’s strong areas of environment, climate change, urban transport and education. She said that Sweden prioritises the promotion of economic, trade and investment ties with other countries and its partners, adding that she hoped negotiations on a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the EU would come to a successful end later this year to help boost trade exchanges between Vietnam, the EU, and Sweden in particular.
To mark the occasion, the Vietnamese Embassy also put on an exhibition of Vietnam’s land, people and culture for Swedish and international friends.

