500 volunteer students to serve VESAK 2014

500 volunteer students to serve VESAK 2014 - ảnh 1
Overview of Bai Dinh pagoda – the venue of the UN Vesak Day 2014 (Photo: religion.vn)

(VOVworld) – Some 500 volunteer university students in Hanoi have been selected to serve the United Nations Day of Vesak 2014 (Vesak 2014). VESAK is the biggest traditional Buddhist holiday. Venerable Phuoc Nhiem, the coordinator of the volunteers program, says: “Criteria for choosing volunteers for this year’s festival were high. For one week, they will be wholeheartedly devoted to their assignments.
The official celebration of VESAK 2014 will take place on Thursday with the participation of about 3,500 domestic and foreign visitors and thousands of Buddhist followers nationwide.


