6th session of NA Law Committee concludes

(VOV/VOVworld)- The National Assembly’s Law Committee concluded in HCM City on Saturday after discussing a resolution on procedures of vote of confidence for officials, who are elected or approved by the National Assembly or People’s Council. The delegates stressed that the confidence voting should only be applied to some key positions. Nguyen Ba Thuyen, Deputy Head of the NA delegation of Lam Dong province says: “There are too many positions that are subject to confidence voting. I think we should apply this method to some key positions such as officials of the National Assembly’s Standing Committees or Ministers. This should be carried out in the middle of the two-year term”.

During the three-day sitting, the delegates discussed several major issues that will help the Law Committee fine tune supervisory reports to submit to the National Assembly. Phan Trung Ly, Head of the National Assembly’s Law Committee says “We have dealt with several issues to prepare for the upcoming session of the National Assembly. The delegates discussed the Law on Capital city, and reported on the outcomes of the supervision over administrative punishments in transport. They also touched upon the resolution on vote of confidence for positions elected and approved by the National Assembly.

Minh Hanh, VOV reporter in HCM City.

