70th anniversary of Tan Trao National People’s Congress celebrated in Tuyen Quang

(VOVworld)- A meeting was held in Tan Trao commune, Son Duong district, Tuyen Quang province on Sunday to mark the 70th anniversary of Tan Trao National People’s Congress. National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung, former Party leader Nong Duc Manh, former State President Tran Duc Luong and National Assembly Vice Chairs Tong Thi Phong, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh were among the attendants at the event.
70th anniversary of Tan Trao National People’s Congress celebrated in Tuyen Quang - ảnh 1

In his address, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung highlighted the historical importance of the Congress which gathered 60 delegates nationwide and discussed major national issues. Held on August 16th and 17th in 1945 in Tan Trao commune, Son Duong district, the congress launched a general uprising to wrest back the power. Mr. Hung said:“Upholding the patriotic spirit of the Congress, our entire Party, army and people are determined to unite and do our best to overcome difficulties, strengthen renovation and defend the nation to further develop the country. The spirit of the Congress will always a valuable lesson for us to carry out our renovation, improve the performance of the National Assembly and successfully realize the goal of rich people, strong country, democracy, equality and civilization”.
70th anniversary of Tan Trao National People’s Congress celebrated in Tuyen Quang - ảnh 2

NA Chairman Hung said he believed Tuyen Quang province and other provinces in the former Viet Bac resistance base will bring into play their patriotic tradition and be united to make their development a success. Prior to the meeting, Party and State leaders offered incense at the Tan Trao Communal Relic Site and paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at Na Nua camp, where President Ho Chi Minh lived and work during the general uprising.

