7th Party Central Committee session opens

(VOVworld) - The 7th Party Central Committee plenary session opened in Hanoi today/on Thursday to gather opinions on continued reforms and perfecting of the political system from the central to the grassroots levels.

7th Party Central Committee session opens - ảnh 1
The 7th Party Central Committee plenary session is to give opinions to major issues of paramount importance for the national sustainable development
(Photo: VGP/Nguyen Hoang)

Also high on the agenda will be the strengthening of the Party’s leadership on mass mobilization, the 1992 constitution draft revision, and a review of one year of implementing the Party resolution on Party building. Participants will debate personnel planning for strategic positions, an active response to climate change, and the protection of natural resources and the environment. In his opening speech, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong suggested six issues for discussion and consideration for approval.

He asked participants to assess the implementation of the Party’s resolutions, point out achievements and shortcomings, and resolutions to address them. Party leader Trong asked deputies to carefully discuss the reports on gathering opinions for the 1992 constitution draft revision that have been made by the constitution revision council. He said: “We should uphold a general guidance of respecting public’s comments and absorb appropriate inputs while persisting to fundamental principles of the state and political regime. We continue to affirm that Vietnam is a nation governed by law, of the people, for the people, and by the people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. All state power belongs to the people with an alliance of the working class, farmers, and intellectuals serving as its core representative.  The state performs its unified power with delegation, cooperation, and control of power exercised by agencies in legislative, executive, and judiciary branches to develop a socialist-oriented market economy.

Mr. Trong underscored the importance of personnel planning for strategic positions: “Those who are selected for personnel planning should be appropriate in terms of age, quantity, and structure as approved by the Party Central Committee’s 6th plenum. It’s necessary to differentiate planning and personnel activities. The planning is for actively preparing human resources for personnel planning which includes training, improvement, and practicing for future appointment. Personnel activities refer to the selection of staff  appointed to positions as required by the terms of reference. Thus the personnel selection to planned positions should be made in pursuance to set criteria, ensuring unity and synchronization at various levels. The process should be made repeatedly, being gradually adjusted.

Mr. Trong said the topics for discussion were of paramount importance to national sustainable development. The session will continue until next Saturday.

