81 press works to be honored for the cause of great national unity

(VOVWORLD) - 81 press works will be honored at the press awards for the cause of great national unity to be held on October 29, marking the Traditional Day of Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF).

81 press works to be honored for the cause of great national unity - ảnh 1Vice President of Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Phung Khanh Tai chairs a meeting on October 10 to announce finalists of the 2022 press awards for the cause of great national unity. (Photo:dangcongsan.vn)

The winning entries were selected from hundreds of press works in different media — print, television, online, radio and photos, according to a meeting chaired by Vice President of VFF Central Committee Phung Khanh Tai on Monday.

The entries reflect almost every aspect of life and focus on building and promoting the strength of the great national unity bloc.

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