Afghanistan – US relations strained for Afghanistan releases Taliban prisoners

(VOVworld)- The Afghanistan–US relationship became tenser on Thursday when Kabul set free 65 Taliban gunmen who were being held at Bagram prison, despite Washington’s warning about the risk that those prisoners will return to the battlefield to attack the NATO-led international security assistance forces in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan – US relations strained for Afghanistan releases Taliban prisoners  - ảnh 1
Fighters with Afghanistan’s Taliban militia stand on a hillside at Maydan Shahr in Wardak province, west of Kabul, on Sept. 26, 2008. Photo by STR

Following talks between the Pakistani Prime Minister and the Turkish President in Ankara, Afghani President Hamid Karzai said this issue does not concern the US. Karzai said he hopes the US government will stop intervening in Afghani internal issues and start respecting its territory. The US strongly objected to the release of the prisoners, saying the Afghani government must take responsibility for consequences of the decision and urging Kabul to make some efforts to ensure that the released gunmen do not commit further acts of terrorism and violence.

