Air-crash victims’ bodies moved to Donetsk

(VOVworld) – Rescuers have found 198 bodies of the 298 victims who died in July 17 crash of the Malaysian airliner in eastern Ukraine by Sunday afternoon, said Ukraine’s Ministry of Emergencies, adding that these bodies will be transferred to Donetsk.

Air-crash victims’ bodies moved to Donetsk - ảnh 1

Members of the Ukrainian Emergency Ministry gather bodies at the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 on July 19, 2014. (Photo: Reuteurs)

Supervisors from the Organization for Co-operation and Security in Europe (OSCE) checked the train loaded with the victims’ bodies upon departure from Torez town, near the crash site.
Earlier, representatives from both the Kiev government and federalist protesters in eastern Ukraine reached an initial agreement on transporting the victims’ bodies to Donetsk where they will be handed over to forensic experts.

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