All religions exist in harmony in Vietnam

(VOVworld)- The Vietnamese State always creates favourable conditions for Vietnamese people to practice religious activities in accordance with law and encourages them to contribute to national development.

All religions exist in harmony in Vietnam - ảnh 1
The President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan  meets with Volker Lauder, Head of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany in Hanoi on Monday

The President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan made the statement at a meeting with Volker Lauder, Head of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany in Hanoi on Monday. Nhan said he hoped that with his position and prestige, Mr. Volker would talk with German politicians and Parliamentarians to help them better understand Vietnam, especially its freedom of religion and contribute to boosting bilateral ties between Vietnam and Germany.

