Another bomb blast hits military convoy in Turkey’s south-east

Another bomb blast hits military convoy in Turkey’s south-east - ảnh 1
Emergency workers help an injured person on the ground near the explosion site in Ankara, Turkey, February 17, 2016. Photo: Reuters
(VOVworld) - An explosion has hit a military convoy in Turkey’s south-east, killing at least six people, as the government blamed a car bomb attack that killed 28 on Wednesday on a Kurdish militia based in Syria.

On Thursday morning a bomb detonated by remote control hit security forces traveling in a military vehicle on a road linking Diyarbakir to the district of Lice. The military said six people died and one was seriously injured.

Ahmet Davutoğlu, Turkey’s Prime Minister, alleged that Wednesday’s attack was perpetrated by a Syrian national with links to the Syrian-Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). He added that the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK) assisted in the attack.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the explosion and "hopes the perpetrators of this terrorist attack will be swiftly brought to justice. He sent his condolences to the victims’ families and pledged that the UN will stand by the Turkish government and people at this difficult time.

The Mexican government has also condemned the attacks while Frants Klintsevich, first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee for Defense and Security, said the attacks have worsened the situation in the Middle East.

