Boao forum opens

(VOVworld) – The annual Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) opens in Boao, Hainan province, China with the participation of leaders from a number of countries. Themed "Asia's New Future: Identifying New Growth Drivers", the 4-day forum consists of 58 formal discussions and 8 evening dialogues focusing on sustainable reform, renovation, and development. On the agenda of the BFA 2014 will be political and security affairs, network security, and Sino-US relations.

Boao forum opens - ảnh 1

At the opening speech, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang called on Asian countries to seek new momentum for the region to deal with its rising challenges. He said Asian countries needed to build a community that shared the same interests and responsibilities. Given international instability and the influence of the global economic crisis, Li said, Asian countries should work together to enhance trade liberalization, generate conditions for investment, and boost regional cooperation. He also noted the importance of a peaceful and stable environment for Asian advancement.

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