Bulgaria wants to become Vietnam’s strategic partner

(VOVworld) – Bulgarian president Rosen Plevneliev has granted VOV reporters an interview before his visit to Vietnam from October 27th to 31st.

Bulgaria wants to become Vietnam’s strategic partner - ảnh 1

He said that Vietnam is Bulgaria’s traditional friend and important partner in Southeast Asia and Asia, adding that Bulgaria wants to help Vietnamese products enter the European market. President Rosen said: “Vietnam and Bulgaria have great potential for cooperation. During my visit, we will discuss ways to develop our relations to the level of strategic partnership. Bulgarian businesses want to boost economic cooperation with Vietnamese partners in both the public and private sectors. The Bulgarian business delegation will sign a number of important cooperative agreements with Vietnamese businesses. On this occasion, we will open our economic and trade representative office in Ho Chi Minh city. Bulgaria is willing to be a gateway for Vietnamese products to be produced in Bulgaria and be exported to other European countries. In return, Vietnam will be a bridge for Bulgarian traditional products such as yogurt, wine, canned food, and pharmaceutical products to enter Southeast Asia.”

President Plevneliev praised Vietnam’s role in ASEAN and expressed his hope that Vietnam will support Bulgaria’s relations with ASSEAN.

