Bulgaria’s Prime Minister visits Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Oresharki began a four-day visit to Vietnam on Sunday to discuss the implementation of a new economic model to raise bilateral relations to a strategic partnership level in the near future.
Bulgaria’s Prime Minister visits Vietnam - ảnh 1

The new economic model was tabled for discussion during Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev’s visit to Hanoi in October 2013. It gives priority to such areas as trade, investment, construction, agriculture, tourism and energy. In an interview granted to the Voice of Vietnam prior to the visit, Prime Minister Plamen said: “Our delegation includes the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Transport, and a Deputy Minister of Economics. They will sign cooperative agreements with Vietnam. My visit is not only aimed at deepening political relations between the two countries but also increasing bilateral economic ties. Other delegation members include Bulgarian businesses who come to seek cooperation opportunities with Vietnam. Bulgarian businesses pay much attention to Vietnam and it was quite difficult for us to select who would accompany us.”

