Cabinet members agree to give priorities to boosting growth

(VOVWORLD) - The Government will continue to prioritize promoting growth, focusing on processing and manufacturing industry, digital transformation infrastructure, and increasing decentralization to reduce inconvenience for businesses and people.
Cabinet members agree to give priorities to boosting growth - ảnh 1At the government's meeting for September. (photo: VOV)

Minister and Head of the Government Office Tran Van Son informed a press conference on Saturday the results of the government’s monthly meeting for September and the government’s online meeting with localities chaired by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

The Government agreed on the highest economic growth scenario for this year at 6%, so the growth in the 4th quarter needs to be 10.6% to fulfil the annual target.

Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Quoc Phuong talked about the potentials and opportunities for the development of Vietnam’s semiconductor industry.

US President Joe Biden's visit to Vietnam and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's recent business trip to the US have opened up many opportunities for the semiconductor industry which is a dominant industry and Vietnam is striving to take the lead. The Ministry of Planning and Investment will develop a project on human resource development for the semiconductor industry until 2030 to grasp opportunities to develop this potential sector, said Mr. Phuong.

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