Central Steering Committee for Judicial Reform convened

(VOVWORLD) - The Central Steering Committee for Judicial Reform convened its 13th meeting on Thursday chaired by President and Head of the committee, Nguyen Xuan Phuc.
Central Steering Committee for Judicial Reform convened - ảnh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the meeting (Photo: VNA)

They discussed implementation outcomes of a project on renovating and perfecting of the mechanism of people’s participation in trials at the court to meet requirements of judicial reform. They also reviewed opinions on the policy of promulgating the regulation on organising online trials.

President Phuc said the Vietnamese State needs to promote the people’s work, but it must comply with the Constitution and be highly practical. He noted the implementation of reform goals, particularly regarding the judicial system, should continue in line with the 13th National Party Congress.

Phuc said it must comply with the Constitution without piloting the proceedings work and improve the people's factor in the trial process.

He asked the Supreme People's Court to complete the project to ensure that it is not contrary to the Party's orientations and the State's laws.

