China, Japan calls for India-Pakistan dialogue

(VOVWORLD) - China on Friday called on India and Pakistan to promote dialogue and settle disputes with goodwill to jointly build a better future between the two South Asian neighbors. 
China, Japan calls for India-Pakistan dialogue - ảnh 1Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (Photo: Xinhua/VNA) 

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi affirmed that China supports dialogue and urges India and Pakistan to refrain from escalating tensions.

The same day, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono urged India and Pakistan to exercise restraint and hold high-level dialogue to ease tensions in the disputed region of Kashmir. He warned that such escalation could become "irreversible" between the two nuclear powers.

Earlier, Minister Kono talked by telephone with Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraji and Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to convey Japan’s viewpoint that the act of terrorism cannot be justified for any reason and Japan firmly condemns it. 

