China-Vietnam relations are developing in a healthy direction, says Chinese Ambassador

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and China have enjoyed strong, stable relations in the 15 years since they set up a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo said at a press conference on the threshold of President Vo Van Thuong’s visit to attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing from Tuesday to Friday.

China-Vietnam relations are developing in a healthy direction, says Chinese Ambassador - ảnh 1Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo (Photo: VNA)

The Ambassador said relations between the two Parties and countries have steadily developed in a healthy direction, and political trust between the leaders of the two countries has solidified.

“This is the third time leaders of the Vietnamese Party and State have attended the Forum. President Vo Van Thuong’s presence illustrates Vietnam's respect for the event where more than 100 partner countries will discuss cooperation and development plans, and create an inclusive and healthy development environment,” said Ambassador Xiong.

He noted that it’s an opportunity for the two countries to bolster strategic exchanges and strengthen bilateral ties. Cooperation within the Belt and Road framework is an important channel for investment cooperation between our two countries.”


