Cho Ray-Phnom Penh Hospital symbolises Vietnam-Cambodia friendship

(VOVWORLD) - Cho Ray-Phnom Penh Hospital, a modern hospital in Cambodia with qualified Vietnamese doctors and staff and high-quality services, is a bright spot in co-operation between Vietnam and Cambodia, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.
Cho Ray-Phnom Penh Hospital symbolises Vietnam-Cambodia friendship - ảnh 1PM Pham Minh Chinh and a Vietnamese high-ranking delegation work with representatives of Cho Ray-Phnom Penh Hospital on November 9, 2022. (Photo: Vu Khuyen)

While visiting the Hospital on Wednesday during his official visit to Cambodia, PM Chinh called on the hospital staff to increase innovation and improve the quality of health care for Cambodians and the Vietnamese community in Cambodia.

He said he hopes the Vietnamese and Cambodian staff will enhance the tradition of solidarity, cooperation, and professional experience sharing, and make the hospital a fine symbol of their bilateral friendship.

“We hope the medical staff, doctors, and nurses will further contribute to the friendship and cooperation between the two peoples and countries. Each Cambodian patient, each Cambodian person whose health is cared for, is a bridge to strengthen the bilateral friendship,” said Mr. Chinh.

