Cockpit voice recorder of AirAsia Flight 8501 retrieved

(VOVworld) - Divers retrieved the crashed AirAsia plane's second black box from the bottom of the Java Sea on Tuesday. The cockpit voice recorder was freed from beneath the heavy debris of a wing early Tuesday from a depth of about 30 meters, a day after the aircraft's flight data recorder was recovered, said Tonny Budiono, sea navigation director at the Transportation Ministry. The device is now on Indonesian naval ship Banda Aceh and will be flown to the capital, Jakarta, to be analyzed along with the plane’s other black box to determine the cause of the crash. It’s expected to take investigators a month to analyze the black box data.

Cockpit voice recorder of AirAsia Flight 8501 retrieved  - ảnh 1
The flight data recorder - part one of the plane's "black box" - was recovered on Monday. Photo: AP

Search and rescue activities continue to occupy ships and planes from Indonesia, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Russia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and China. The plane crashed 42 minutes into a flight from Surabaya, Indonesia, to Singapore on Dec. 28. All 162 people on board are presumed dead, but only 48 bodies have been recovered so far.


