Consultation Workshop on Vietnam’s Green Growth Strategy

 (VOVworld) - A green growth strategy will help Vietnam restructure its economy to improve its competitiveness, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cope with climate change, reduce poverty, and promote sustainable growth.

Consultation Workshop on Vietnam’s Green Growth Strategy  - ảnh 1

Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen The Phuong made that statement at the Consultation Workshop on Vietnam’s Green Growth Strategy held in Hanoi yesterday. The strategy is expected to focus on policy development, economic restructuring, fiscal reforms, and investment generation in low-carbon industries. It also aims to increase the green amount in GDP growth, create green jobs, and improve people’s living conditions by setting up an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Under the draft strategy, Vietnam will strive for at least two-fold increase in GDP against 2010 while reducing the energy consumption rate by up to 3% and green house gas emissions by up to 15% by 2020.


