CPV’s founding anniversary marked

(VOVworld) - Many activities to mark the 83rd founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, CPV, the 45th anniversary of the 1968 Tet Offensive have been organized nationwide.

CPV’s founding anniversary marked  - ảnh 1
A performance in praise of the Communist Party of Vietnam. (Photo: cpv.org.vn)

A meeting took place in Ho Chi Minh City on Friday in the presence of former President Nguyen Minh Triet, Poliburo member and Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City’s Party Committee Le Thanh Hai, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Huynh Dam, heroic mothers, and revolutionary veterans. Hai stressed that over the past 83 years, under the leadership of the Party and with lessons learnt from the 1968 Offensive against the US army, the city has overcome numerous challenges to boost the local economic growth. The city leader said: ‘2013 is an important transitional year of implementing the resolution of the 11th  National Party Congress and of the municipal party congress. To meet the people’s expectations and requirements, we should do our utmost to turn Ho Chi Minh city into a modern and civilized city, taking firm steps towards socialism.

An art performance entitled ‘The Party in today’s life’ was held in Hanoi on Friday by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism. The eternal songs praise the Party, President Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam land and people, consolidating the people's trust in the Party. Ngo Hoai Chung, Deputy Director of the Grassroots Culture Department, said ‘This is part of activities to mark the 83rd founding anniversary of the Party, and welcome in the Lunar New Year, encouraging people to implement resolutions of the Party, National Assembly, and Government.

