Denmark tightens border control after Quran burning

(VOVWORLD) - Denmark is tightening border controls to boost domestic security and prevent unwanted individuals from entering the country after recent Quran burnings, the government said.

Denmark tightens border control after Quran burning - ảnh 1People demonstrate against the desecration of the Koran in Denmark. (Photo: Reuters)

“Authorities have today concluded that it is necessary at this time to increase the focus on who is entering Denmark, in order to respond to the specific and current threats,” the Danish justice ministry said in a statement late on Thursday. Denmark’s tighter border controls will initially be in place until Aug. 10.

A small group of Danish far-right activists has burned at least ten copies of the Quran in the past week and said it plans to burn more Qurans at two demonstrations on Friday and at three more events over the weekend.

The Danish and Swedish governments have condemned the burning and are considering new laws that could stop them.

The decision to tighten border controls with more checks of travellers arriving in Denmark follows a similar move by Sweden on Tuesday.

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