Deputy PM calls for ASEAN’s new mechanisms to enable workers to adapt to Industry 4.0

(VOVWORLD) -Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam said on Wednesday that new mechanisms need to be adopted so that all workers can adapt themselves to Industry 4.0 as 42 million jobs in the ASEAN region were lost in the second quarter of this year. 
Deputy PM calls for ASEAN’s new mechanisms to enable workers to adapt to Industry 4.0 - ảnh 1 Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam speaks at the ASEAN high-level meeting on human resources development in a changing world of work (Photo: VGP)

Addressing an online ASEAN high-level meeting on human resources development in a changing world of work, Deputy Prime Minister Dam said, “We all know that human resource development is one of the top three priorities of the ASEAN community and is stated in the ASEAN Charter. There have been many specific activities and initiatives such as building an ASEAN qualification reference framework; creating higher education spaces for students from various countries to interact, and especially the launch of the Career Education Council. Such efforts should be vigorously pushed forward to successfully implement the ASEAN declaration of human resource development in the changing world of work to meet the demands of new production and future society. "

Co-organized by the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Training, the meeting focused on partnership for human resources development, workforce development in post-pandemic era, the private sector’s leadership role in the field, and the education and training systems' readiness to boost skills in the 21st century. The meeting aimed to produce specific outcomes to report to the ASEAN Summit in November in Vietnam.

At the meeting, ASEAN Ministers launched a Roadmap for the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on Human Resource Development for the changing world of work.

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