Deputy PM calls for more support for Vietnamese AO victims

Deputy PM calls for more support for Vietnamese AO victims - ảnh 1
Deputy PM Nguyen Thien Nhan receives the American Public Health Association under the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign led by Susan Schnall.
(Photo: Phương Hoa/VNA)

Deputy PM Nguyen Thien Nhan has said millions of Vietnamese people have been infected by Agent Orange Dioxin left by the Vietnam War and the consequences will continue. Deputy PM Nhan made the remark at a reception on Friday to a delegation from the American Public Health Association under the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign led by its coordinator Susan M. Schnall. Nhan noted that the Vietnamese Government has been implementing community-based projects to rehabilitate AO victims. He also asked the American delegation to conduct a thorough scientific evaluation and analysis and provide specific data as evidence to urge the US Government to help Vietnam deal with the environmental issues related to Agent Orange (AO) and rehabilitate AO victims. Mrs. Schnall said her group will continue calling for help from the US Congress and raise public awareness of Vietnamese AO victims' struggle for justice. 

