Deputy PM Vu Van Ninh visits Fisheries Resources Surveillance Zone 2 and Coast Guard

(VOVworld) – Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh visited and met with soldiers and staff of Unit 3 of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Zone 2 and Marine Police Ship CSB 8001 in Da Nang City on Friday. Deputy PM Ninh praised staff and soldiers of the fishery resources surveillance and marine police forces, especially those who are on duty to protect national maritime sovereignty over the Hoang Sa sea area. He said: "The Party, State, and people nationwide acknowledge the soldiers and staff’s effort and bravery in fulfilling their duties to protect national maritime sovereignty despite enormous difficulties. The 90 million people of Vietnam always stand by your side to protect our country’s sacred sovereignty."

Deputy PM Vu Van Ninh visits Fisheries Resources Surveillance Zone 2 and Coast Guard - ảnh 1

While visiting ship-building company Song Thu on the same day, the Deputy PM also stated that the ship-building industry development was a high priority in serving national economic interests and defense. He urged the company to build more modern marine police and fishery resources surveillance ships to help marine enforcement forces fulfil their task of protecting Vietnam’s sea and islands sovereignty. Deputy PM Vu Van Ninh also visited 30 fishermen in Da Nang City who had returned from Vietnam’s traditional Hoang Sa fishing grounds.


