Economic restructuring in 2021-2025 tops NA meeting

(VOVWORLD) - Plans to restructure the economy in the next five years were high on the agenda of the ongoing NA meeting on Saturday.
Economic restructuring in 2021-2025 tops NA meeting  - ảnh 1At the meeting

Deputies agreed on the importance to address constrains of the economy, each sector, and each locality to design specific policies to boost the economic development.

NA Deputy Tran Hong Ngan of HCM City said, 'The government needs to work out response scenarios to prevent instability for the macro-economy. In restructuring public investment and public services, it’s important to focus on public investment disbursement and the government needs to help localities in disbursing public investment.'

NA Deputy Hoang Van Cuong of Hanoi said restructuring the economy needs to focus on the scale, and pace and level of development of sectors and economic areas.

'To become a strong country, it's important to base on pillars or strong economic groups to sustain the domestic economy and gain a stronger foothold in the world. We need to devise mechanisms to establish strong economic groups and make them the pillars in certain areas like in railway technology, transportation technology, and maritime logistics. We also need to create breakthrough policies on investment amid the rapid development of the 4th industrial revolution and the pandemic.'

